Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Five reasons you shouldn't drop out of school!
1. You should not drop out of school because it will make it hard on you to get a job.
2. Dropping out of school after making it this far is pointless because this is what will help you make it through life easier.
3. Without a high school diploma you won't get accepted to any college, and without getting accepted to a college then you won't get a very good job.
4. Also how will you pay for your house without a good job which leads back to no diploma.
5. If you drop out you will be bored and stuck at your parents house for the rest of your years till you get a job if you ever get a good enough one to move out.

Friday, February 22, 2013

They think the fire started because of a gas leak. All of this lead to no electricity and all the people were hungry and cold and tired. They were angry and wanted to go back. Now they are offering the people free tickets and plain or bus tickets to get home. They didn't expect this horrible accident to come across with over 4,000 people on there with only down to 11 toilets. They are trying to get back as soon as they can. If it was my ship I would do more to help the people and give them their money back not a free new ticket because no one would want to get back on after that.

Friday, February 15, 2013

If I was invisible for an hour I would scare as many people as I could for that hour. I would make people think ghosts are real. Like Spongebob and Patrick do in one of the shows. They got caught but I won't! I went around scaring people till a few minutes till my hour was up I went home, so I wasn't caught. People were in such scare they worried about no one but their families and themselves.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I think that healthy snacks and foods should be there for kids and even high school teens because some children depend on school food only. Therefore, if it is going to be their only meal it should be nutritious. If kids complain and go against healthy food they can bring something from home. We need more healthy items at schools for all students. Every once in a while it is okay to eat non-healthy foods but not all the time. That's why it needs to be good at school.