Blogger Layouts

Friday, April 5, 2013


Spring is the second best season you could have, but it is not my favorite. Its really just like every other season to me. People still walk as slow as turtles when they are in front of me. They get on my nerves. The weather starts getting warmer each day. I like the feeling of the sun hitting my skin. I don't like the feelings of the grass on my bare feet when I walk through the yard. I do like spring though because it is closer to summer which means no school. The faster school is over the happier I will be. No offense Mrs. Water's we will still be best friends, but long distance best friends.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I feel prepared for the test because we have been over everything I need to know. I think I will pass because I'm going to give my full effort on this test. It is extremely important to me and my school that I do the best that I can possibly do.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The good the bad and the ugly.

The good: The good part of my spring break was that I went to Houston with my mom and brother.
The bad: The bad part of my spring break was my pig not doing good at all at Houston.
The ugly: The ugly of my spring break was that I had to clean pig pens on the Sunday before school started back.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I consider myself determined because ever since I made myself be strong minded or determined it has helped me out. Others may not see me this way but they don't always see me. Therefore don't see my whole life and what I may have wrong. When I am determined to do something I do it. I stay focused on it. Being strong minded is something my parents have always told me to be to keep myself going. I have been through a lot of things that would take a strong minded person and I'm sure we all have. Not everyone can face things though, some people fall of the deep end and some people tell their selves they can do it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Five reasons you shouldn't drop out of school!
1. You should not drop out of school because it will make it hard on you to get a job.
2. Dropping out of school after making it this far is pointless because this is what will help you make it through life easier.
3. Without a high school diploma you won't get accepted to any college, and without getting accepted to a college then you won't get a very good job.
4. Also how will you pay for your house without a good job which leads back to no diploma.
5. If you drop out you will be bored and stuck at your parents house for the rest of your years till you get a job if you ever get a good enough one to move out.

Friday, February 22, 2013

They think the fire started because of a gas leak. All of this lead to no electricity and all the people were hungry and cold and tired. They were angry and wanted to go back. Now they are offering the people free tickets and plain or bus tickets to get home. They didn't expect this horrible accident to come across with over 4,000 people on there with only down to 11 toilets. They are trying to get back as soon as they can. If it was my ship I would do more to help the people and give them their money back not a free new ticket because no one would want to get back on after that.

Friday, February 15, 2013

If I was invisible for an hour I would scare as many people as I could for that hour. I would make people think ghosts are real. Like Spongebob and Patrick do in one of the shows. They got caught but I won't! I went around scaring people till a few minutes till my hour was up I went home, so I wasn't caught. People were in such scare they worried about no one but their families and themselves.