Blogger Layouts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My favorite Halloween memory!!
My favorite Halloween memory would have to be, the first time i decided to toilet paper someones house. So here I go I got my toilet paper and I am ready so i walk straight across the street to my neighbors so I'm getting her tree all filled with toilet paper, well next morning my dad goes outside and is checking the mail. When our neighbor decides to walk up to my dad and said some kids got me good last night, here's my dad trying not to laugh and says wow they did!! Then he comes in side after they talked and he said Brooke, I said yes? He looked at me and laughed and said next time don't go to the neighbors go further away from your home!! I learned my lesson never toilet paper the persons house that is right in front of yours not smart!!

My favorite ghost story!!
Once upon a time there was this man named Mad Henry, he lived alone in a mansion at the end of town. There were many rumors about him saying he is a ghost, some people said he was a magician with powers of the darkness. They say he hates children and when he sees one he yells get off my property and takes their ball or any toy they have and he keeps it. One day this little girl named Ana was walking down the side walk and she was playing with a basketball and it went on his grass and she was walking to get it when it disappeared she screamed ghost and ran. Many children still walk past and still get their stuff taken but no one has ever seen the man. He is the one who is taking the children's toys because he yells get off my lawn the kids say who are you and where are you he yells back Mad Henry now beat it. So, no one knows how he looks or just who he is really.......

My three favorite Halloween jokes!!
Q. What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A. A dead end

Q. What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
A. Fasten your sheet belt

Q. What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
A. A holy terror



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